Importance of Medpay Coverage in North Carolina
Personal Injury Questions
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- Do I have to give the other driver’s insurance adjuster a statement?
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- Who has the responsibility for making sure my medical bills are paid?
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What is medical payments coverage insurance (MedPay)?
Explanation and Importance of Obtaining And Having MedPay In Your Auto Policy
When I send out a newsletter, I try to make sure it conveys an important message. So when I mention how vital having MedPay is, I mean it. Every time we speak with a potential client, we ask if they have “MedPay.” MedPay is short for Medical Payments Coverage. It is medical coverage you purchase from your auto insurance company. Even though you can purchase up to $100,000 in MedPay, in North Carolina, we find that most people only have $2,000 in MedPay coverage on their auto insurance policy. You should discuss MedPay with your agent or insurance company sales office right away. Adding MedPay is very inexpensive relative to how much it benefits the victim of an auto wreck. Using your MedPay coverage will not raise your rates. If you do not have health insurance coverage, you will benefit from MedPay even more. For a minimal amount a year, Medpay will help pay your medical bills when you are in a car wreck. Your chances of being in an auto wreck are far greater than most other activities. The “at fault driver” is responsible for all of your medical bills. But, having your own MedPay coverage would help pay your medical bills without delay. In fact, there are times when you could be compensated twice for the same medical bills. Have peace of mind that your medical providers are paid for your medical treatment. If you have any questions about MedPay, call us and we will answer them for free.